About ITED
ITED is an esteemed research group based at the University of La Laguna (Ref. 82937). Our focus lies in the development of projects at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction, Technology, and Education.
The diverse team at ITED comprises researchers from various fields, including Human-Computer Interaction, Educational Video Games, Gamification, Intelligent Tutoring Adaptive Interfaces, Educational Data Mining, and other areas of technology applied to Education and digital culture. Within these research domains, we have successfully undertaken numerous national and international projects, both completed and ongoing.
Our research endeavors adopt a practical approach, with a strong emphasis on creating digital experiences for individuals. We pay particular attention to promoting diversity and inclusion, catering to vulnerable populations and those with specific learning needs, such as individuals with Down syndrome or children in hospital care. Furthermore, we prioritize incorporating a gender perspective in our research and teaching, actively encouraging STEAM vocations.
In addition to our research efforts, we offer various training programs, including the Master’s in Videogame Creation and the Master’s in Human-Computer Interaction. These programs are derived from our own research projects or in collaboration with other organizations. Moreover, we engage in knowledge transfer activities, collaborating with institutions and companies seeking our expertise.

Highly efficient

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